Moving around pictures on this blog is a pain, so I'm just going to comment about them here

Emirateshad these little lights on the ceiling of the plane to simulate the starry night. I thought this was really cool.

Not a very clear picture, but this is what the plane looked like. Pretty nice. This was the economy class ofcourse.
I think I heard someone throw up right now…..
It’s about 4 am EST. Just forwarded thru the ending of the producers. This was the second movie of the night. It’s starting to all get a little hazy to I wanted to start capturing as much of this day as I could. Can’t really sleep on the airplane.
Right now I’m trying to see if I can access my hotmail account and I much I’m going to have to pay for it. Seems like a cool service, but I rather get skewer by a lamp post than pay any amount just to send an email
I got to the Austin airport a little early. Actually, that’s been the theme of this entire trip. Get to where you are going really really freaking early. Well, the Austin time was reasonable except that that flight got delayed for about half an hour. After some minor turbulence and 30 min of listing to a Moroccan guy complain about his marriage life (while his wife sat across the aisle with his 3 kids), , JFK awaited. And so did the exit registration room. Just a cop. Very helpful. Can’t say much for the witch of an airhostess on delta who insisted with one of the passengers that she could get him arrested for not sitting in his seat then the “fasten seatbelt” sign came up. It was kinda like that soup nazi episode. The lights for the sign would go one and she would start blaring from the PA system up front “sir, get in your seat, now!!”. Ofcourse she was overlooking the fact that the guy was getting out of this seat only because his 3 year old kid kept taking the seat belt off and standing on the seat. The Moroccan guy (I think his name was shakir or something like that) rationalized her behavior my stating she was having a power trip cuz she felt like she was the queen of the skies and he had brown skin. She looked more like the dairy queen to me, but moving on.
After Austin was a wonderful 11 hours in JFK. I used this time to become farily intimate with the airport. For example, I learned of the signature urinals that all seem to have here. I found it interesting that they all have the silhouette of a fly on it. I rationalized it as a target for mention to use to minimize splatter. Other’s mention it might be purely decorative. I took pictures of it so those this can be discussed more carefully. It was also quite painful to find some kind of power outlet in that terminal that was not next to the bathroom entrance.
I had realized when I landed at JFK that I had misplaced by luggage tickets. What I didn’t realized is that I would need those tickets if I would like to get my luggage in Dubai (A minor oversight on my part). Good thing I was one of the first people at the check in counter. After 30 min of terminal hopping, hobbling and several re-directions, I was able to fix this up. Great!! For a moment there, I was worried everything was going too smoothly.
I do believe I got a little help from karma along the way. A Sikh gentleman seemed to be in a pickle because of some flight scheduling and needed to make some calls. Unfortunately the phone booths had decided that tool-free numbers were just not going to cut it. After listening to the wonderful hold-music at the Air India service for 10 mins, he decided to just pay the extra amount and change the ticket. But he was 20 bucks short. Feels good to help a brother out…
I met another traveler at the airport heading to Ireland for a road trip. She hadn’t figured out the details of how she was going to get around the place ( a minor setback), but that’s probably going to be the best part of the adventure (in retrospect I would think). Let’s see if she emails me pics of the place.
Crap. This is going to be a long night…
Sdflkj sf sfskdj
Sorry, got distracted, Uma Thurman kissing scene came on. Watching the producers.
Oh yeah, saw Nanny Mcphee. It was good kiddy movie overall. Just the ending was really lame. These happily ever after endings are just freaking stupid. I mean, cmon, Snow in August. And the only reason he ended up marrying her just because he saw her in a pretty dress. I mean, what an ass.
Smells like someone just cut the cheese..
Anyhoo, I’m going to watch an old episode of Scrubs. It’s about 4:35am.
God, can’t wait to land…
Whoops, felt like some funky terbulance there. Nothing like shaken the shit up to make you feel alive. Woooo, roller coaster baby….
Speaking of turbulance, here is what the food looked like on the plane.

Ok, I don’t like this turbulence anymore. I want this to stop.